Archival Production Gallery

Plattsburgh: Time Warp (Schools)

Plattsburgh: Time Warp (Schools)

In 2014 I completed another (wonderful) collaboration with Clinton County Historian, Anastasia Pratt. We continued the contrasting dissolve style, but for this Time Warp episode we set the WABAC (way-back) machine to visit schools in Plattsburg, NY. At a time when Plattsburgh lost its "h", the exchanges between past and present take place over a backdrop of music written at the turn of the 20th century (when many of these early images were first captured).
Click here (or on the image) to see this video on YouTube

Plattsburgh: Time Warp (Downtown)

Plattsburgh: Time Warp (Downtown)

In My first video collaboration with Clinton County Historian, Anastasia Pratt, we explored the contrast of days gone by with a time warp trip through Plattsburgh's downtown district. We hadn't seen anyone else use this format--comparing current images to archival photos with multiple dissolves. It was also an opportunity to work with Debra Kimok, Special Collections Librarian at SUNY Plattsburgh. Besides the image contrasts, we tapped into a special musical performance by George Sausville, an upstate fiddler born when many of these early images were first captured.
Click here (or on the image) to see this video on YouTube

Reynoldston & Franklin County Archives

Oral & Digital History of Reynoldston & Franklin Co., NY

In 2011 I assisted William Langlois and Robert McGowan in the preservation and restoration of the oral history collection they had been working on since 1968. Over 60 hours of material was processed and archived over the course of one summer. Their work documents the oral histories of residents who lived in Franklin County (upstate, New York) in the early 1900's. Their research, transcriptions, and audio recordings are available online on their website.
Click here (or on the image) to visit the Oral & Digital History website for Reynoldston & Franklin Co, NY

The Final Bell Toll

The Final Bell Toll is available on Youtube

In 2009 I was contacted by the Town of Schuyler Falls Historian's Office to produce a short archival video. They wanted to document a memorable event associated with a prominent, local church, "the Final Bell Toll." In 1993, the bell of the M.E. Church in Schuyler Falls, NY was rung for the last time. Town Historian Leo Perry ('87-'93) documented the event. It also gave me the opportunity to explore the use of location-matching dissolves between older and more recent images.
Click here (or on the image) to see this video on YouTube

Special Collections Audio Archive at SUNY Plattsburgh

I've been working with Debra Kimok at SUNY Plattsburgh's Special Collections Library for over ten years. My on-going efforts have focused on preservation and restoration of audio artifacts in their archives. Most notably has been my work on the Marjorie Lansing Porter Collection. It took over 3 years to preserve and restore the audio work of Mrs. Porter--which were stored on thin sheets of vinyl. The final results are available (as are all other audio elements in their collection) on a dedicated audio server which anyone can listen to when visiting their collections (these audio elements cannot be accessed through the Internet due to copyright restrictions). Both the preservation and restoration copies of the Marjorie Lansing Porter Collection are also available at the Library of Congress.

Other audio items available at Special Collections are notable speakers (that include Robert Kennedy, Robert Frost, and Rockwell Kent, to name a few), over 15 years of campus concert archives, and lectures from many of the college's prominent leaders (Doc Redcay, George Angell, and others). Special Collections Guides


Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or inquiries about my work.

Tim Clukey